The city of Babylon with its glory, was fortified by King Nebopolassar and his son Nebuchadnezzar II; only their splen did royal palace rose high above the city.

According to legend, around mid-500 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar’s queen, Semi ramis, missed the hills of her Persian homeland. To please her, the king built a man-made hill in the form of terraced gardens on the banks of River Euphrates, which came to be known as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Wide marble staircases connected the terraces. Stone flowerbeds were filled with exotic trees, shrubs, flowers and creepers. The gardens were watered with the help of pumps that lifted water from the Euphrates. Thus the Hanging Gardens of Babylon became the most lovely sight, placing them among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.


  1. Who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
  2. Why were the Hanging Gardens built?
  3. Which river flows by the Hanging Gar dens?
  4. How were the Gardens built?