Forms of violence experienced by women throughout their lifespan

Prenatal/PrebirthPre-birth elimination of females
Physical battery during pregnancy (physical abuse)
Infancy  Female infanticide (killing of a new born female child)
Emotional and physical abuse
Differential access to food and medical care
Childhood/GirlhoodChild marriage
Child sexual abuse by family members or strangers
Emotional and physical abuse
Genital mutilation
Child prostitution (exchange of sexual act for money)
Differential access to care, nutrition, health care, education
Incest (sexual activity between blood relations)
Economically coerced sex
Sexual abuse in the workplace
Sexual harassment
Arranged marriage
Violence associated with pre-marital pregnancy
Differential access to care, food, education, medical
Kidnapping and abduction
Young and Adulthood/ Reproduction ageDomestic violence
Marital rape
Dowry related abuse and murder
Coerced pregnancy
Sexual harassment in the work place
Sexual abuse by intimate male partner and relatives
Physical and psychological abuse
Desertion (divorce)
Sati (burning a widow at her husband’s funeral)
Abuse of widows
Wife beating
Acid attacks
Forced marriage
Differential access to care, medical, health care, nutrition, education
Old age/ ElderlyAbuse of the elderly
Abuse of widows
The threat of sexual violence
Lack of access to care, nutrition, and medical facilities
Physical and psychological violence by younger family members
Domestic violence