Types of violence against women

Domestic violence/Domestic abuse/battering/Family violence/Silent crime

Domestic violence against women on the rise amid nationwide lockdown - The  Week

A pattern of behavior that involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Violence within the home is widespread and affects women throughout society. The perpetrators are close relatives of the women – father, husband, and his family, sometimes even the son. It can take several forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, and sexual abuse.

Physical abuseHitting, slapping, kicking, punching, scratching, biting, pushing, throwing, grabbing, choking, hair-pulling, use a weapon (gun, knife, or other objects) to cause injury. 
Mental abuseThreats, dictating what a woman can do and cannot do, verbally abusing, humiliating to women or her parents, not allowing women to leave the house or visit outside or natal house.
Sexual abuseRape, unwanted touching, forced sexual acts, refusal to practice safe sex.
Economic or property abuseStealing or destroying personal belonging, demanding money, not allowing women to work.

Some common beliefs and myths about domestic violence (DV)

  • DV is rare – only some experience it.
  • DV is a private matter – the community should not get involved.
  • DV victims must remain silent and maintain family honor.
  • DV victims do not want to break out of abuse.
  • DV abusers are alcoholics and drug addicts.

Harassment at workplace

Sexual Harassment at Work; How Can We Help?

It is a threatening behavior directed at an individual worker or a group of workers. It is a form of sex discrimination that occurs in the workplace.

Unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is served or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment.


Woman Being Objectified In The Media - B.PAC

Teasing a girl or woman. It refers to public sexual harassment or street harassment of a girl or woman by a boy. Eve-teasing has now become a common affair in our society. School or college-going girls are the main victims of eve-teasing.

Dowry related violence

The Dowry Prohibition Act – Whom is it Helping? - Realbharat

Any act of violence or harassment associated with the giving or receiving of dowry at any time before, during, or after the marriage. It is a serious problem that affects the lives of women and girls.

One woman dies every hour in India because of dowry-related crimes.

In 2015, Jan to June:-due to dowry

38 – Women physically tortured

91 – Women tortured to death

4 – Committed suicide

73 – Cases filed.

Female feticide/Pre-birth elimination of females (PBEF)

Missing babies in the womb raise fear of female foeticide in TN - The  Federal

Aborting a female fetus after sex determination test. Ultra-sonography and foetoscopy help determine abnormalities in the fetus but it is misused to find out the sex of the fetus and abortion is done if it is a girl.


  • Obsession for son (son is gold and daughter means worry – a myth leads to PBEF)
  • Fear of dowry by many poor class families
  • Girls are considered as a financial obligation by many parents
  • Some of the doctors do his heinous act to fulfill their money desires.


  • The decreased population of females
  • Adverse effects on women’s health physically, emotionally, mentally.
  • Women’s are abused and sexually exploited
  • This leads to women trafficking
  • The suicide rate in women will increase.

Sexual violence

Meet the women using tech to combat sexual assault | Guardian Careers | The  Guardian
  • Forcing someone to have sex after being hurt either physically or emotionally.
  • Forcing into prostitution
  • Forcing someone to have sexual relations with other people.
  • Forcing someone to participate in any sexual act in which you are not comfortable.
  • Forcing someone to look, act or pose for pornography.

It can happen anywhere – on streets, at home, in public or private places – by strangers or by members of the family.

  • Sexual violence against women is

Sexual assault

Sexual harassment


Marital abuse


  • Sexual violence only affects a small number of women.
  • Women make sexual assault allegations out of spite to take revenge.
  • Women invite sexual assault by the way they dress and behave.
  • A woman means “yes” when they say “no”.