Ways to Lower Stress

The accumulated stresses of everyday life can damage your health in irreversible ways — from early aging to heart problems to long-term disability. Stress serves an important purpose—it enables us to respond quickly to threats and avoid danger. However, lengthy exposure to stress may lead to mental health difficulties (for example, anxiety and depression) or increased physical health problems. A large body of research suggests that increased stress levels interfere with your ability to deal with physical illness. While no one can avoid all stress, you can work to handle it in healthy ways that increase your potential to recover. There are some points you can do to lower everyday stress.

1. Eat healthy

The difference a healthy diet can make - Harvard Health

Changes to your diet may make some difference to your general mood or sense of well-being. Numerous foods contain nutrients that may help you reduce stress. Matcha powder, fatty fish, kimchi, garlic, chamomile tea, and broccoli are just a few that may help. Try incorporating some of these foods and beverages into your diet to naturally promote stress relief.

2. Get enough sleep

How to Sleep Better - HelpGuide.org

Sleep is an important part of your daily routine—you spend about one-third of your time doing it.  Quality sleep – and getting enough of it at the right times — is as essential to survival as food and water.  Without sleep you can’t form or maintain the pathways in your brain that let you learn and create new memories, and it’s harder to concentrate and respond quickly.

3. Do not isolate yourself, Socialize

Salon Owners: Should You Socialise With Your Team? - The ZING Project

Socialization is one of the most effective yet often-forgotten methods of relieving stress. Remember that we are not meant to be solitary individuals.  We need not only one or two but layers of connections to be able to feel whole and connected. These positive connections with the people we love and with those who share the same hobbies, interests and likes as we do helps greatly in counteracting the stress we are subject to in our lives.

4. Listen to soothing music

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Music has the ability to trigger different emotions (this probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise to you). Many artists create songs based on personal experiences and emotions, and so you feel those same emotions when you listen to them. While some songs are upbeat and trigger feelings of excitement, others are slow and calm, causing feelings of sadness or relaxation. To add to that, you probably have certain songs that make you feel nostalgic or even angry. It’s evident the incredible power music has on impacting your mood.